[OpenAFS] volume could not be attached
Andreas Ladanyi
2018-09-10 13:55:57 UTC

one volume could not be attached. This is not a new created volume.

OpenAFS (dafs) / Ubuntu 18.04

vos exa user.name:

**** Volume 536875101 is busy ****

    RWrite: 536875101     Backup: 536875103
    number of sites -> 1
       server ... partition /vicepa RW Site

vos online / offline:

SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed
Failed to set volume. Code = 103


1 Volser: GetVolInfo: Could not attach volume 536875101
(/vicepa:V0536875101.vol) error=113
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)


VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101


09/10/2018 10:12:37 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
09/10/2018 10:12:39 dispatching child to salvage volume 536875101...
09/10/2018 10:12:40 2 nVolumesInInodeFile 64
09/10/2018 10:12:40 CHECKING CLONED VOLUME 536875103.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name.backup (536875103) updated 09/08/2018 18:32
09/10/2018 10:12:40 SALVAGING VOLUME 536875101.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name (536875101) updated 09/10/2018 10:12
09/10/2018 10:12:40 totalInodes 160966
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Found 40 orphaned files and directories (approx. 80 KB)
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks


Inode 2305861000965914623: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 2305861001033023487: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 2305861001100132351: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 2305861001301458943: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 536875101 (user.name)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 1, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 3587963, needsCallback = 0,
destroyMe = 0
id = 536875101, parentId = 536875101, cloneId = 0, backupId = 536875103,
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 16777216, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 160944,
diskused = 11976937
creationDate = 1366961543 (2013/04/26.09:32:23), copyDate = 1533799185
backupDate = 1536512433 (2018/09/09.19:00:33), expirationDate = 0
accessDate = 1536568099 (2018/09/10.10:28:19), updateDate = 1536568099
owner = 29724, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 9473; week = (20149, 14021, 403285, 46815, 88402, 59592,
32594), dayUseDate = 1536530400 (2018/09/10.00:00:00)
volUpdateCounter = 161079

Andreas Ladanyi
2018-09-11 13:15:04 UTC
I manualy salvaged the volume with bos salvage and the volume goes
online. The user accessed the cache manager mountpoint on the client and
the volume goes offline again.


CopyOnWrite corruption prevention: detected zero nlink for volume
536875101 inode 5465217102250391 (dest), forcing volume offline
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101

I could voldump the volume for testing and dont get an error message.

For info:

I have seen that the client was working with afs 1.8.0. Now its 1.6.22
back again. (Ubuntu 16.04, kernel 4.4.0-134)

The server is on 1.6.22 (kernel 4.15.0-20, Ubtuntu 18.04)

Post by Andreas Ladanyi
one volume could not be attached. This is not a new created volume.
OpenAFS (dafs) / Ubuntu 18.04
**** Volume 536875101 is busy ****
    RWrite: 536875101     Backup: 536875103
    number of sites -> 1
       server ... partition /vicepa RW Site
SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed
Failed to set volume. Code = 103
1 Volser: GetVolInfo: Could not attach volume 536875101
(/vicepa:V0536875101.vol) error=113
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101
09/10/2018 10:12:37 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
09/10/2018 10:12:39 dispatching child to salvage volume 536875101...
09/10/2018 10:12:40 2 nVolumesInInodeFile 64
09/10/2018 10:12:40 CHECKING CLONED VOLUME 536875103.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name.backup (536875103) updated 09/08/2018 18:32
09/10/2018 10:12:40 SALVAGING VOLUME 536875101.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name (536875101) updated 09/10/2018 10:12
09/10/2018 10:12:40 totalInodes 160966
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Found 40 orphaned files and directories (approx. 80 KB)
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
Inode 2305861000965914623: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 2305861001033023487: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 2305861001100132351: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 2305861001301458943: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 536875101 (user.name)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 1, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 3587963, needsCallback = 0,
destroyMe = 0
id = 536875101, parentId = 536875101, cloneId = 0, backupId = 536875103,
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 16777216, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 160944,
diskused = 11976937
creationDate = 1366961543 (2013/04/26.09:32:23), copyDate = 1533799185
backupDate = 1536512433 (2018/09/09.19:00:33), expirationDate = 0
accessDate = 1536568099 (2018/09/10.10:28:19), updateDate = 1536568099
owner = 29724, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 9473; week = (20149, 14021, 403285, 46815, 88402, 59592,
32594), dayUseDate = 1536530400 (2018/09/10.00:00:00)
volUpdateCounter = 161079
OpenAFS-info mailing list
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Informatik
ATIS – Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ladanyi
- Systemadministrator -

Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 013
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 721 608 - 4 3663
Fax: +49 721 608 - 4 6699
E-Mail: ***@kit.edu


KIT - Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.
Andreas Ladanyi
2018-09-13 09:14:20 UTC
I want to report my results:

Salvaging the volume multiple times and switching back to 1.6.22 on the
client and waiting seems to solve the problem for now.

Are there known problems with the cache manager in 1.8.0 ? Maybe which
result in broken cache information which could be synced to the server
which results in a broken volume ?????

In the past we had a lot of question mark issues with 1.8.0 clients on
directories which are changed by users before. After rebooting the
clients the question marks has gone. So it sounds like a broken cache or
sync issues for me.

Is the 1.8 client (cache manager) designed to work with an 1.6 server
generally ?

Post by Andreas Ladanyi
I manualy salvaged the volume with bos salvage and the volume goes
online. The user accessed the cache manager mountpoint on the client and
the volume goes offline again.
CopyOnWrite corruption prevention: detected zero nlink for volume
536875101 inode 5465217102250391 (dest), forcing volume offline
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101
I could voldump the volume for testing and dont get an error message.
I have seen that the client was working with afs 1.8.0. Now its 1.6.22
back again. (Ubuntu 16.04, kernel 4.4.0-134)
The server is on 1.6.22 (kernel 4.15.0-20, Ubtuntu 18.04)
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
one volume could not be attached. This is not a new created volume.
OpenAFS (dafs) / Ubuntu 18.04
**** Volume 536875101 is busy ****
    RWrite: 536875101     Backup: 536875103
    number of sites -> 1
       server ... partition /vicepa RW Site
SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed
Failed to set volume. Code = 103
1 Volser: GetVolInfo: Could not attach volume 536875101
(/vicepa:V0536875101.vol) error=113
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101
09/10/2018 10:12:37 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
09/10/2018 10:12:39 dispatching child to salvage volume 536875101...
09/10/2018 10:12:40 2 nVolumesInInodeFile 64
09/10/2018 10:12:40 CHECKING CLONED VOLUME 536875103.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name.backup (536875103) updated 09/08/2018 18:32
09/10/2018 10:12:40 SALVAGING VOLUME 536875101.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name (536875101) updated 09/10/2018 10:12
09/10/2018 10:12:40 totalInodes 160966
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Found 40 orphaned files and directories (approx. 80 KB)
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
Inode 2305861000965914623: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 2305861001033023487: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 2305861001100132351: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 2305861001301458943: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 536875101 (user.name)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 1, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 3587963, needsCallback = 0,
destroyMe = 0
id = 536875101, parentId = 536875101, cloneId = 0, backupId = 536875103,
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 16777216, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 160944,
diskused = 11976937
creationDate = 1366961543 (2013/04/26.09:32:23), copyDate = 1533799185
backupDate = 1536512433 (2018/09/09.19:00:33), expirationDate = 0
accessDate = 1536568099 (2018/09/10.10:28:19), updateDate = 1536568099
owner = 29724, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 9473; week = (20149, 14021, 403285, 46815, 88402, 59592,
32594), dayUseDate = 1536530400 (2018/09/10.00:00:00)
volUpdateCounter = 161079
OpenAFS-info mailing list
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Informatik
ATIS – Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ladanyi
- Systemadministrator -

Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 013
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 721 608 - 4 3663
Fax: +49 721 608 - 4 6699
E-Mail: ***@kit.edu


KIT - Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.
Benjamin Kaduk
2018-09-13 14:04:52 UTC
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
Salvaging the volume multiple times and switching back to 1.6.22 on the
client and waiting seems to solve the problem for now.
Are there known problems with the cache manager in 1.8.0 ? Maybe which
result in broken cache information which could be synced to the server
which results in a broken volume ?????
There are not known issues of this nature with 1.8.x clients.
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
In the past we had a lot of question mark issues with 1.8.0 clients on
directories which are changed by users before. After rebooting the
clients the question marks has gone. So it sounds like a broken cache or
sync issues for me.
I am not 100% sure, but I think that the 1.8.x salvager has a few more
checks than the 1.6.x does.
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
Is the 1.8 client (cache manager) designed to work with an 1.6 server
generally ?
Yes; any client is supposed to work fine with any server.

Post by Andreas Ladanyi
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
I manualy salvaged the volume with bos salvage and the volume goes
online. The user accessed the cache manager mountpoint on the client and
the volume goes offline again.
CopyOnWrite corruption prevention: detected zero nlink for volume
536875101 inode 5465217102250391 (dest), forcing volume offline
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101
I could voldump the volume for testing and dont get an error message.
I have seen that the client was working with afs 1.8.0. Now its 1.6.22
back again. (Ubuntu 16.04, kernel 4.4.0-134)
The server is on 1.6.22 (kernel 4.15.0-20, Ubtuntu 18.04)
Post by Andreas Ladanyi
one volume could not be attached. This is not a new created volume.
OpenAFS (dafs) / Ubuntu 18.04
**** Volume 536875101 is busy ****
    RWrite: 536875101     Backup: 536875103
    number of sites -> 1
       server ... partition /vicepa RW Site
SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed
Failed to set volume. Code = 103
1 Volser: GetVolInfo: Could not attach volume 536875101
(/vicepa:V0536875101.vol) error=113
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101
09/10/2018 10:12:37 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
09/10/2018 10:12:39 dispatching child to salvage volume 536875101...
09/10/2018 10:12:40 2 nVolumesInInodeFile 64
09/10/2018 10:12:40 CHECKING CLONED VOLUME 536875103.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name.backup (536875103) updated 09/08/2018 18:32
09/10/2018 10:12:40 SALVAGING VOLUME 536875101.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name (536875101) updated 09/10/2018 10:12
09/10/2018 10:12:40 totalInodes 160966
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Found 40 orphaned files and directories (approx. 80 KB)
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
Inode 2305861000965914623: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 2305861001033023487: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 2305861001100132351: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 2305861001301458943: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 536875101 (user.name)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 1, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 3587963, needsCallback = 0,
destroyMe = 0
id = 536875101, parentId = 536875101, cloneId = 0, backupId = 536875103,
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 16777216, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 160944,
diskused = 11976937
creationDate = 1366961543 (2013/04/26.09:32:23), copyDate = 1533799185
backupDate = 1536512433 (2018/09/09.19:00:33), expirationDate = 0
accessDate = 1536568099 (2018/09/10.10:28:19), updateDate = 1536568099
owner = 29724, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 9473; week = (20149, 14021, 403285, 46815, 88402, 59592,
32594), dayUseDate = 1536530400 (2018/09/10.00:00:00)
volUpdateCounter = 161079
OpenAFS-info mailing list
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Informatik
ATIS – Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ladanyi
- Systemadministrator -
Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 013
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 608 - 4 3663
Fax: +49 721 608 - 4 6699
KIT - Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.
OpenAFS-info mailing list
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